Automated Tools

Generate More Sales with New Technology

One of the more unique features of the TicketSocket platform is the integration of Ice Cream Social, a viral invitation plugin that allows event attendees to invite friends and earn a reward with referral ticket purchases. Unique invite tools allow participants to invite and incentivize friends via Facebook, Google, eMail and more. Turn valuable customers into promoters or affiliates without the lift of a finger that result in proven incremental sales by as much as 20-30%.

Analytics & Reporting

Real-Time Data for your Business

Data driven solutions help your business make decisions which is why the TicketSocket analytics suite is in a class if its own. Leverage real-time analytics and slice and dice your data the way that it makes sense for your event, attraction or venue. Comprehensive reporting tools and data customizations allow complete visualization of the data you need whenever you want. Using full webhook managers you can even create your own custom reports and dashboards to save time.

Mobile Conversion

Sales Optimization

Built for mobile with over 82% mobile traffic across millions and millions of transactions, we know how important the mobile experience is. The TicketSocket platform is designed for mobile first, with years of refinement and experience for mobile conversions built into the ticketing process so you can sell with confidence. Leverage our Angular JavaScript checkout widgets out-of-the-box or build your own off the full REST API.  

3rd Party Integrations

Push Data to Popular Apps with Ease

Square pegs do not fit in round holes, neither do your company needs. Our powerful proprietary plug framework allows you to take full control of the features you need and want to customize your system to fit your exact needs. TicketSocket has hundreds of plugs and integrations available out of the box and also provides the flexibility for new plugs to be created and injected into the system bringing about new functionality as our clients needs change and evolve. Plugs such as custom reports, social marketing tools, check-in or box office apps and more to keep your business up to speed with cutting edge technology.